How to deal with multiple job offers

It is every job seeker’s dream to have options, it can often be a far more difficult decision making process than it looks.
Candidates who find themselves in this position are very fortunate but many don’t know how to best handle the offers without risking damage to their relationship with the organisations whose offers they decide to turn down.
The number one thing you should avoid doing is to accept an offer then retract it if a better one comes along. Retracting your acceptance will ultimately damage your reputation with the company and everyone involved in the recruitment process.
When you accept an offer it sets in motion a chain of events – the other applicants are notified and the job posting is removed. When you retract at this stage you cost the company as they have potentially lost other candidates they were considering.
So instead we advise you to be honest and upfront. Most employers and recruitment agencies will ask you if you are interviewing with other companies. Feel comfortable to explain that you are taking your search very seriously – it is not often that you look for a new role and you want to make sure you explore all of the options available to you.
When you have more than one offer on the table, you can almost always ask for two working days to consider. Most companies will accept this and it allows you time to make a fully informed decision. But this is also why many companies are now speeding up their interview processes to secure their preferred candidate before a competitor makes an offer too.
We also advise you to work with your recruiter to help you choose the right job for your career long term. Many employees are no longer moving just for higher salaries alone and are considering roles that offer long term career paths, more flexibility and new challenges.
Weighing it up: Five steps you can take to deal with multiple jobs offers
• Ask for time to consider your offers. Most employers will allow you time to decide whether the offer is right or not for you.
• Look at your long term objectives – is this a company you want to be working for in five years time? Does it provide you with opportunities to advance your career, mobility or benefits compared to those another company can offer you? Draw up a list of pros and cons for each organisation.
• Who pays more? A higher paying salary is always an attractive incentive but it should not be your main motive for choosing one job over the other. The lower paying role could offer greater challenges or career advancement potential.
• Process of elimination. Is there a job you can easily eliminate that doesn’t meet you career objective?
• Communicate your intentions - advise the company that you have chosen that you will be accepting its job offer. Let the others know, in a professional manner, that you have chosen to go with another offer but that you were grateful for the opportunity.

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